Found this wonderful presentation by Andres Arnalds about Landcare and community engagement in Iceland which can be downloaded here.
Iceland Landcare presentation
World Bioenergy Association
The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) has published the 3rd Global Bioenergy Statistics report. The report shows that bioenergy is growing at a steady pace.
Download the report from the WBE site.
Victorian Landcare Magazine Summer 2014-2015
Pozible Landcare & Environment Collection – we seek your help
Two Landcare projects were launched on the Pozible Crowd Funding platform on 18th September. One is in Indonesia and the other in Bangladesh. Unfortunately neither were successful but we thank the many people who offered to support both these programs. You can still see the applications for Indonesia and Bangladesh on line
Rediscovering the Country
A Film Journey Into Landscape Restoration
Australian Forest Growers (through its branch Ballarat Region treegrowers) in conjunction with She Oaks Films are proud to present our film “Rediscovering the Country – A Journey into Landscape Restoration”.
The film helps promote our vision for Australia’s rural landscapes – one with less erosion, more beauty, plenty of native grass, trees and wildlife AND a way for people to earn an ‘environmentally friendly’ income through different kinds of tree growing.
Rediscovering The Country from SheOaks Films on Vimeo.
Indonesia Philippines Landcare Study Tour – August 2014
Photo of Indonesian study tour team from Sahabat Lahan Indonesia (SLI) from left: Sutar, Suwardi, Silvi, Siti and Uyung with Philippines hosts Frandel and Evy from Landcare Foundation of the Philippines (LFPI).
See Study Tour Photo Gallery here
Above from left: The Indonesian delegates (Sutar, Suwardi, Silvi, Siti, Uyung) with their Philippines Landcare hosts (Frandel and Evy)
For 10 days in August 2014, five Indonesian Landcare delegates visited the Philippines to learn from the Philippines Landcare program. The Indonesian group was made up of three farmer facilitators from the Merapi Landcare program, the Sahabat Lahan Indonesia (SLI) Landcare facilitator and a community forestry lecturer from the Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
The study tour, hosted by the Landcare Foundation of the Philippines (LFPI) was sponsored by Australian Landcare International (ALI) with generous support from The Crawford Fund and was coordinated by Victoria Mack, Director of the Secretariat for International Landcare (SILC).
The Indonesian delegates gained significant knowledge and understanding about how Landcare in the Philippines is embedded in the community and how it works collaboratively with farmer groups across the islands. The study tour was greatly enriched by the practical field-based learning sites and also the interactive discussions with key Filipino Landcare personnel.
There were many visits to meet the leaders of the local government units, and the smaller barangays, which showed how mutually beneficial partnerships have been nurtured to advance the sustainability of the Landcare process. The Indonesians also learned about the importance of research partnerships and collaborations with other relevant agencies, including NGOs.
The important role of Landcare facilitators was clearly demonstrated and articulated by the many Landcare facilitators who joined the tour at various sites. These exchanges allowed the Indonesians to consider their own roles in Landcare and also their future roles.
From an Australian perspective, the study tour highlighted the beneficial impact of the Philippines Landcare program on the farmers and communities that are involved. For many municipalities, Landcare is now an established mainstream program that helps their farmers to improve the livelihoods and their natural resources.
Indonesia Report 2013
Victoria Mack’s report of her November 2013 visit to the Merapi Landcare project, and also with the Sahabat Lahan Indonesia (Landcare Indonesia) Board can be accessed here.
SLI meeting at Gadjah Mada University: From left: Uyung Pramudianto (SLI facilitator), Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko (Dean of the Faculty of Forestry UGM), Victoria Mack (Director SILC), Yudo Istoto, (Chair Sahabat Lahan Indonesia SLI) and Prof. Dr. Sambas Sabarnurdin (Chair Board of Trustees SLI). Photo: SILC Nov. 2013.
Recent project photos can be accessed here.
Pakistan – priorities for Pakistan Agriculture by 2030
Dr Zahoor Aslam has submitted the attached paper on priorities for Pakistan Agriculture by 2030 which can be read here.
Landcare Bangladesh launched in Dhaka on 11 July 2013
Media Release – Landcare in Bangladesh
Landcare Bangladesh was launched at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Thursday 11th July 2013.
This exciting development means that Bangladesh joins a number of countries around the world adopting Landcare to address pressing issues of livelihood, environmental management and agricultural production.
The launch of Landcare Bangladesh follows eighteen months of intense work with farming communities in the Sylhet region in north-east Bangladesh by Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB). The drivers behind this pilot work are Dr Shaikh Tanveer Hossain, Sustainable Agriculture Advisor & Chief Agricultural Coordinator and Mr Zahid Hossain, Director of the Livelihood Enhancement Program of FIVDB.
Since March 2012 they have worked intensely with village farmers and communities with the support of FIVDB field facilitators to establish five model house projects in each of 22 areas across the Sylhet region.
Australian Directors of the Secretariat for International Landcare (SILC), Sue Marriott and Victoria Mack, were invited to participate in the official launch Landcare Bangladesh (LCB) on behalf of the Landcare Bangladesh interim committee.
For more photos see Bangladesh page