Victorian Landcare & Catchment Management Magazine 2010

Issue 50, Summer 2010: Biodiversity and Biolinks Feature

The Victorian Landcare and Catchment Management Magazine has been published since 1996 (then called the Victorian Landcare Magazine), and replaced two previous publications, the VFF’s Trunkline and the then Department of Natural Resources and Environment’s Salt Force News. The magazine is produced three times a year and reaches approximately 24,000 farmers, tree-changers, landcarers, agency staff, local councils and others around the state. The total number of readers is estimated (based on surveys) to be well over 40,000 because many recipients share their copy with friends, family and their local community and others (such as yourselves!) read it online.

Much loved for its genuine community-driven focus, the magazine’s content comes mostly from community members, but also from researchers and agencies. The magazine also has an active mentoring role in the Landcare community.

Next issue – Water Management
View the latest issue – or any of the back issues – of the Victorian Landcare and Catchment Management Magazine at

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