Welcome to SILC’s website
SILC is a non-government organisation that commenced in 1998. SILC’s charter has been to support interest in the adoption, and adaptation, of the Australian Landcare model in and by other countries. Over many years SILC has worked to support a growing interest in Landcare. This site aims to provide links to the many projects that are happening in thirteen countries around the world.
Often the question is raised why is “Landcare” different to any other “aid” project. “Aid” when given for the long term (as opposed to short term disaster aid) from one country to another country is given with “strings” attached. “Landcare”, however, is about giving local people the support and encouragement to become aware of their own issues and design and implement their own projects that are specific to their community, their needs and their cultural context. Landcare enables and allows people to address environmental, social and economic problems without the pressure and constraints from outside bodies, governments and individuals with different agendas.
Landcare is a development model but it has many elements that make it very different from typical development approaches – the most important being that the people on the ground take responsibility for their actions, usually with the support of a local facilitator or facilitating agency.